
Friday, November 10, 2006

SeLf EvAlUaTiOn..

Attainment...2...I think I have understood all or most of the content taught so far. I think however I could read over my notes and handouts to get a better understanding of the topics dicussed.

Effort...2...I feel i do feel as if though I put alot of effort into Media Studies and i think that i have made an improvment with my effort since last year.

Punctuality... 1...I feel as though i have improved a great deal since last term as im not usually late for my lessons.

Submission & quality of homework... 2...I have failed to hand in some piecs of work this term, however make sure that it is all done even if it is late.

Ability to work independently... 1...I feel as if though I can work independently, however sometimes do prefer working in a group as its more motivating at times.

Quality of writing... 2...I do try and express my media knowledge it is of a high standard however this also could be improved.

Organisation of media folder...3...I would give myself a 3, as I still need to properly sort out some work, making sure its all in order so i can use it iin the future.

Oral contributions in class... 2....I think i do contribute in class, more so than i did last year however i think i could contribute more often.


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