LoOnGgG...EsSaY PlAn...2
“Recent developments in genre have included the emergence of parody, pastiche and hybrid forms. Show how such developments have influenced the nature of media texts.”
A set of conventions usually through familiar narrative, mise-en-scene, actors and representations; defines genre in a basic form. Genre is constantly developing in order to keep audiences interested. Parody, pastiche and hybrid forms, have more recently been introduced and have influenced many texts within these genres.
Genre theory- discusses different repertoire of elements, how genres are not fixed although they have identifiable similarities, the way genres are dynamic...
Reception theory- an audience having their own interpretations of a text (genre text), with their own responses....
Final girl (Carol Clover)...
Things to include…
Focus on slasher genre…
Explain a parody, pastiche and hybrid form…when were they introduced into genre?…by who and why..?
What changed when looking at the repertoire of elements? (typical conventions and also final girl theory) Analyse texts such as ‘Scream’ a post-modern text and also the last nightmare on elm street movie, as it was the first postmodern text however not as successful as the later postmodern texts ---> also ‘Scary Movie’ which was a parody of the making of ‘Scream’…compare texts from an earlier decade where these forms had not yet been presented…