FiRsT PaRaGrApH..
"How are women represented in Sugar Rush and in what ways do the audience interpret the text?"
- Sugar rush is a contemporary teen drama series broadcasted on channel four at ten pm every Thursday. It explores the life of a lesbian teenager kim, who falls in love with her best friend sugar. Many of the storylines are based around female charcaters and dilemmas that women/teenage girls may face in their lives. It iss a series that parts itself from many others as it explores things such as teenagers sexualities and moves away from typical representaions often seen in contemporary television series. As many of the characters are female, the way in which they are represented stands out from all other representaions in the programme and gives us a chnace to question whether the representaions of women in the media have changed.
- The target audeince for sugar rush is females aged 15-21 as the series is based around the lifes of teenage girls therefore allowing this audience to relate to the charcters and what is going on in there lives.The secondary audeince would be a male audience of around the same age group. However as these two audience are of different sexes they may interpret the text in completly different ways but the qustion is how...
- Both of these questions can be answered by looking at theorists such as laura mulvey and looking at historical texts which give us a chance to look at what has chnaged and what remains the same in drama series such as Sugar Rush.
I beleive that although the representation of women has progressd; as many typical stereotypes of women have been eliminated, women are still being objectified and many appear to live there life for men, showing them to live in a patricachal society. This then links to the way the audeince interprets the text. Women watch the programme to relate to similar situations they may be going through, whereas the men watch it purley to look at the female characters in an objectifying manor.
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